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Latest releases
آخر المنشورات
Cheminer le trouble en traduction
Walking Through the Trouble in Translation
Sorry, I Didn’t Understand.
Can You Say That Again?
Notes on Gestures of Untranslatability -
Mohammed El-Kurd à propos de Gaza
Territoires de l’âme
Territories of the Soul
De l’histoire au mystère
Gestures of Untranslatability
Notes on Enough History: A Disoriented Glossary
Seeking for Story (Soundscape)
Potential h/Histories
Conversation with Ariella Aïsha Azoulay -
The Present in the Past
Losing Ground: On Disappeared Art Institutions And Their Ghosts
Un lieu où je pouvais faire des études queer… Conversation entre Claire Finch et Vir Andres Hera
The Fire, The Times
Enough History
كفانا حكايا
Ne me raconte plus d’Histoire -
History into Mystery
Qalqalah : émoji béton sucré
Échange épistolaire
entre Marian del Valle
et Barbara Manzetti -
Katibikigna ô ngaducon,
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